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  • Invest in the future of African Children

    Empowering People Who Want to Make a Difference. Together, we are a force for change. We listen. We serve.

  • Improve a life. Your action can make a difference.

    New Schools, Educators, and Supporters can bring a brighter future for children living in impoverished areas in Africa.

  • The coins you empty from your pockets are equal to a daily salary for too many globally.

    Together, we serve as a global force for change in children’s education in Africa(or Nigeria)



Options for donations:


Mail Check

Checks are made payable to:

Henry Louis Center

           7111 West 151 St., Ste. 328

           Overland Park, KS 66223

Donate your time.  Become a volunteer!

What Your Donations Can Do

  • Two urgently needed water wells $2,700 per well
  • Two additional classrooms $240
  • Plastering and painting the first college building $4,800
  • Septic system for first college building $2,100
  • Furnishing the classrooms $40,000

Contact Us

Henry M. Louis

June 11, 1940 - September 4, 2005

Dean Henry Louis was a historian and lifelong student of diverse cultures, both locally and globally, who served Kansas City Kansas Community College for almost 40 years. 

"Henry showed us how to greet the world with open minds."           

As did Professor Louis, every member of

HLC believes the

United Nations'

Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

which states

"Every child has a right to free education."

We Ask You To Imagine

1. Imagine a world where children are not denied education as their basic human right.

2. Imagine US communities free of crime and violence as the result of a massive educational plan for all urban and rural children.

3. Imagine a world where Nelson Mandela did not take a stand for freedom!

4. Imagine a world where Martin Luther King, Jr. did not take a stand for nonviolent campaigns.


Take a stand for the forgotten children of the world.

95,000,000 children in Africa do not have access to school.

It Starts With You

The principal, Aliuwa Joy Unoke, created the school from the ground up, hired the faculty, bought the uniforms, purchased textbooks and computers, filled the science labs, built the toilet facilities in less than two days, bought the school van to transport students, and attracted students from 10 villages.

The list goes on. She is the local hero. She is educating more than students. Education is a revolutionary idea for the majority of the parents. Hollywood would have a blockbuster movie if they told her story!

What Donations Have Done

The Henry Louis Center is committed to educating surviving victims of conflict through our Global Education Projects (HLC Global). The original goal of HLC Global was to provide secondary education to the village of Ntsokara. On 9/4/2016 the doors opened to 5 students. Six years later in 9/2022, the doors will open to nearly 500 students from 9 outlying villages. To keep up with increasing numbers, donations from the first 10 Committee of 100 (C100) members have provided the following.

  1. Creation of Freedom School, Liberia (for disarmed, child soldiers and children of war).
  2. Creation of Ntsokara High/Middle School, Ebonyi State, Nigeria (for long-forgotten rural students).
  3. A college building in Ntsokara is 70% complete.
  4. Necessary ADDITIONS to high school campus
  • In-door toilets
  • The Jimmy Carter Library
  • Library books
  • Laptops
  • Zion Building Regional Testing Center
  • Additional classrooms
  • A van for transporting students from outlying areas
  • Upgraded lab equipment for science and animal husbandry

"We don't need anything when we know there are children in the world without education."

Pam Louis-Walden

(August 20, 2016)

Quoted by Dr. Ewa Unoke

Public Inspection for Transparency: The Dr. Henry M. Louis Center for Transitional Justice records are open to the public. Write the Center at 7111 West 151st Street, Suite 228, Overland Park, Kansas 66223. Include a stamped, self-address envelope. It will be helpful to include your specific inquiry. 

Donor Privacy Policy

HLC Global will not share or sell a donor’s information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

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